Jayadeva's Brooklyn: Dogs, Babies and Love in Sunset Park

My life in Brooklyn, now with my baby, and fellow dog lover, by my side.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Rest in Peace our Beloved Jaya

On Friday, February 27, 2009 at approximately 1:15pm, Jayadeva died at Animal Kind Animal
Hospital in Brooklyn. She had just turned 15 on February 14th and we were so incredibly
lucky to have her in our lives for that long. If anyone with a geriatric dog would like to write
re: end of life decisions, please feel free. It was painful and difficult, but we knew we were
doing right by our girl. Her passing was filled with intense love and as much comfort as
possible in her condition.

I found the following comforting and helpful resource online here:

When do I know it is time to say goodbye?

Pets offer companionship, emotional intimacy, and feelings of well being
to their guardians. This makes the reality of advanced age, and ultimately
death, difficult to accept. Guardians must ensure a happy, pleasurable,
and dignified quality of life to their pet. When that quality of life
cannot be maintained, alternatives need to be considered.

A decision about euthanasia is difficult to make. Euthanasia is a humane
course of action in cases where the prognosis is hopeless or where the
continued life of the dog would be painful or undignified. Please talk to
your veterinarian about all options available to you, to help you make
informed decisions.

In 2006, Rabbi Yona Metzger, the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, issued a
issued a ruling, a Psak Halacha, stating that on the basis of the Jewish
mandate to prevent cruelty to animals, tsa'ar ba'alei hayim, a suffering
animal should be allowed to end its life in a dignified manner.
"Compassion is inherent in our people, a characteristic of the sons of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; therefore, pity any suffering creature and
relieve it of its suffering in a quick manner, by euthanizing it so that
it will feel no further pain."


Blogger BestViewInBrooklyn said...

Hey Jen! I'm so very sorry to hear about Jaya's passing. It sounds like it was peaceful and that it was time.

Sunday, April 05, 2009 8:50:00 PM  

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