Hello Beautiful!
So, as I mentioned briefly in my last post, I did away with my beloved Comedy Central, as it came in a seemingly inexorable package with TNT and USA who play Law & Order on a continuous loop, from which my husband rarely reemerged. I heard a rumor that the FCC, who've historically loved a good Christian lobby and a bad Powell son, were mulling the issue over. I was overjoyed to hear that the new FCC chief, Kevin Martin now endorses what they're calling "A La Carte Laws." See the full article here, "
Martin Endorses 'A La Carte' Laws."
The gist is that Martin is pushing for "a la carte" cable pricing, going so far as to suggest that he would support legislation forcing cable operators to offer cable channels individually. However, critics of the plan report that this would ultimately cost consumers more money. Maybe I could just keep my husband on a tighter leash. Really, I'm just kidding, because I think as we've identified the problem and he is prehaps in the
Preparation Stage of his Law & Order addiction.
To assist his
Action Stage, we joined
NetFlix and watch movies instead. However, we started missing tv a little and started renting tv! We went through Six Feet Under

, Dead Like Me, Carnivale, Monk and 4400. Then, this weekend, we watched
Jesus is Magic and it changed my life. Now, I wouldn't start a new fan club or tell everyone to rush and go see it, because I think this life change was somewhat personal in nature.
I was telling my friend,
Michelle Golden-Buck about my love and she fired a little friendly jealous by telling me that she and her husband,
Chris were at the 2nd day of filming for this. Though it was years ago, she could still quote the jelly licking joke verbatim. So, the personal part is, well, I think I found a new role model. I really do love that she's Jewish, although I'm not religious, I still identify with my Jewishness and I think this identification and ambivilance are why I find her humor especially appealing. I guess, in some ways, perhaps without all the scatalogical references, I wish I could be her.
To this day, I tell people about how I almost landed an internship at Comedy Central in the 90's when The Daily Show just came on board, un-live and with a more 2-Dimentional host. Alas, I opted to go to France as my 1/2 brother's nanny and don't regret it, but still consider a career change. Don't get me wrong, social work can be hilarious, when it's not devastatingly depressing, but I wonder where I'd be doing the most good - working to make people laugh, or just helping them not cry?